Articles about the topic bodo
Car hire in Norway from Bodo airport in Nordland

Compare online car hire offers in Bodo Airport The Norwegian city of Bodo (spelled Bodø in Norwegian) with a population of 50.000 is located just north of the arctic circle (see map of arctic circle...
Topics: bodo,norway,tromso,europcar,sixt,national,avis,bodoe
Car hire in Bodo Airport Norway - Car hire prices in Bodø

Bodo Airport is located close to the city of Bodø which is just north of polar the circle in the region of Nordland in Norway. Despite being originally built by the British during second world war...
Topics: budget,europcar,hertz,avis,sixt,norway,bodo,nordland
Car Hire in Narvik Airport - Find cheap car hire in Norway

Car hire is usually quite expensive in Norway. Using the below CarTrawler search engine, it is often possible to find discounted rates on car hire in Norway. Car hire is called “bilutleie”...
Topics: narvik,bergen,trondheim,bodo,europcar,avis,norway