Speed limits in Poland

For a long time, Poland has been struggling to improve its road infrastructure.

The winning, together with Ukraine, of the bid for hosting EURO 2012 Championship, gave the long-needed impulse to modernization and development of roads across the country.

Along came the changes in traffic regulations, especially on the new motorways in Poland.

Speed limits in Poland
Polish road traffic regulations stipulate the following speed limits in Poland (May 2012):

  • built-up areas during daytime (from 5 till 23) – 31 mph (50 km/h)

  • built-up areas during night-time (from 23 till 5) – 37 mph (60 km/h)

  • single carriageways outside built-up area – 56 mph (90 km/h)

  • dual carriageways outside built-up area – 62 mph (100 km/h)

  • Polish expressways – 75 mph (120 km/h)

  • Polish motorways – 87 mph (140 km/h)

Since the car fleet in Poland has been improving continuously, Poles like to test their vehicles´ potential by over-speeding.

In recent years, road safety has become an important issue. The authorities, in their quest for limiting the high number of accidents on Polish roads, have increased the road traffic control.

Polish police will frequently set up speed traps in Poland and also use permanent radar speed detectors. Furthermore, the probability of getting stopped by marked as well as by unmarked Polish traffic police with speed measuring equipment, is very high in Poland.

It is always better to stick to the speed limit, as speeding infractions in Poland are due to on-the-spot fines. Find out more about speeding fines in Poland

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Speed limits in Poland
Article: Speed limits in Poland
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